# Correction Agents

# Overview

Deva.world is a complex multi-agent system that relies on a correction system consisting of three agents. These agents work together to ensure that the system operates efficiently and effectively. The correction system is designed to correct any imperfections or errors that may arise within the system.

// Agent that announces what the institutor gives
class AnnouncerAgent {
  constructor(institutor) {
    this.institutor = institutor;

  announce() {
    console.log(`The institutor gives: ${this.institutor}`);

// Agent that zealously plies his task by altering forms
class FormAlteringAgent {
  constructor(forms) {
    this.forms = forms;

  alterForms() {
    // perform some form alteration
    console.log(`Zealously altering forms: ${this.forms}`);

// Agent that corrects imperfections left by each agent
class CorrectionAgent {
  correct(imperfections) {
    // perform some correction on imperfections
    console.log(`Correcting imperfections: ${imperfections}`);


The implementation of these agents' methods may vary based on the specific requirements and context of the system.

# Description

The correction system consists of three agents that work in tandem to correct any issues that may arise within the Deva.world system.

  • The first agent is responsible for announcing what the institutor gives, ensuring that all agents are aware of any new developments or changes within the system.
  • The second agent is responsible for altering the forms of the data, working tirelessly to ensure that the system is running smoothly.
  • The third agent is responsible for correcting any imperfections left by the first two agents, ensuring that the system is operating at its optimal level.

# Features

The correction system features a robust set of algorithms and processes that are designed to identify and correct any issues within the system. Each of the three agents is equipped with advanced AI capabilities, allowing them to quickly identify and address any potential issues. The system also features a sophisticated monitoring and reporting system that allows operators to quickly identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

# Benefits

The correction system is a critical component of the Deva.world system, ensuring that the system operates efficiently and effectively. The system's advanced algorithms and processes help to minimize errors and ensure that the system is always operating at its optimal level. The system's monitoring and reporting capabilities also help to ensure that any potential issues are quickly identified and addressed before they become major problems.

# Conclusion

The correction system is a critical component of the Deva.world system, ensuring that the system is always operating at its best. With its advanced AI capabilities, sophisticated monitoring and reporting system, and robust set of algorithms and processes, the correction system is a powerful tool that helps to ensure the system's continued success.

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